Building LACMA Construction Update
April 28, 2023
We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.
Building LACMA Film Series
How will areas of LACMA’s collection come to life as never before in the new David Geffen Galleries at LACMA? Find out in a series of short videos about the new building coming to our campus.
A Treasure Trove in the Tar
How is excavation for the new David Geffen Galleries furthering scientific research of the Ice Age? Learn more about fossils discovered in the construction site.
Seismic Base Isolation for the David Geffen Galleries
How will people and art in the new David Geffen Galleries be protected from earthquakes? Learn more about seismic base isolators in the new building.
Construction Update
The following work will be conducted this week:
- Formwork, rebar, and concrete installation for exhibition-level horizontal decks continue on the west side of the construction site, north of Wilshire Boulevard.
- Shoring, formwork, and rebar installation for roof-level horizontal decks continue on the west side of the construction site, north of Wilshire Boulevard.
- Rebar installation and concrete pours for exhibition-level horizontal decks continue on the east side of the construction site, north of Wilshire Boulevard.
- Formwork, rebar installation, and concrete pours for ground-level walls continue on the Spaulding Lot, south of Wilshire Boulevard.
Please Note: Metro Construction
- Due to Metro construction, the north curbside of Wilshire Boulevard is closed from Spaulding to San Diego Way (west of Fairfax).
- During Metro construction along the north curbside of Wilshire Boulevard, the west and eastbound lanes on Wilshire will be intermittently reduced to one drive lane.
- In February, Metro informed the public that their construction at the north curbside of Wilshire Boulevard is expected to last 4 to 6 months
Construction Hours
- Monday–Friday: 7 am–7 pm
- Saturday: 8 am–6 pm
Health and Safety
Our general contractor, Clark Construction, continues working diligently to provide a safe work environment for the crews working on the site. To that end, and in accordance with Cal/OSHA standards, Clark Construction and its subcontractors have taken all necessary protective measures in accordance with government guidelines, which include the following:
- As with all of their ongoing projects throughout the country, Clark Construction is requiring that all work be done in accordance with OSHA guidelines and industry best practices, including approved head, hands, and eye protective equipment, as well as safety vests and protective shoes and clothing.
- Clark and its subcontractors are providing face coverings to persons who request them.
- Hand washing stations continue to be maintained for workers’ use at multiple locations on site.
- Workers are encouraged to wash hands frequently.
- Anyone who exhibits any respiratory symptoms is requested to quarantine at home.
- Clark's on-site Supervision and Safety personnel are designated and in charge of ensuring implementation of all proper protocols and guidelines.
Thank you for your support of LACMA in this time of campus transformation and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We wish you and your family good health.